Thursday, February 19, 2009

Pigmented Spectacles -- "Doc" Kirby

In 1972 David Chesterton met Dr. Earle Kirby on the island of St. Vincent. Most years after that, until ‘Doc’ died in 2005, David visited his home or the Museum where ‘Doc’ displayed artifacts he had personally collected. Those objects refuted the English history books children had studied in the island schools.
The true story showed a thriving civilization flourished before the Western invasions.
Yet the life history of the discoverer of that truth was unrecorded. This biography reveals the story of ‘Doc’ Kirby, the island’s veterinarian (he studied in Guelph, Canada and in Edinburgh, Scotland). When farmers began showing ‘Doc’ artifacts they had dug up as they ploughed their lands, he taught himself archeology and collected artifacts from the seashore to the top of the island’s volcano, Mount Soufriere so that children could learn, from those artifacts, their true history and ‘stand tall’.
Thanks to friends of Doc’s, from all over the world, this volume records that incredible story through ‘Conversations with Ian Ayrton Earle Kirby.’

Copies of the book can be obtained by contacting the author at :
David Chesterton, 5 Snowberry Court, Caledon Village, Ontario, Canada L7K 0B5

The cost of the book is $15 Canadian plus shipping and mailing costs