Letter From The Diaspora
Letter: Who have eyes to see, let them see
Published on Saturday, November 28, 2009 Email To Friend Print Version
Dear Sir:
Wednesday, November 25, 2009 was indeed a sad day for the people of St Vincent and the Grenadines.
I do not now see how it would be possible for us to ever have Constitutional Reform in SVG. From here on in, regardless to what leaders urge, the people will vote along party lines in any future referendum, thanks to James Mitchell, Eustace and the NDP.
Take warning Comrade Ralph, Mitchell will remain active and the unofficial leader (in the back room aka war room) of the NDP right into 2011.
The NDP will temporarily secure peace among its fighting factions. They will leave no stones unturned in their effort to unseat Comrade and the ULP. Last Wednesday's massive referendum win gives them momentum.
A proposal to significantly improve our 1979 Constitution was voted down "hand over fist" and the ULP now finds itself in real political hot water.
Although Comrade has provided good governance over the past nine years or so, Wednesday's referendum results indicate there is urgent need for ULP candidate change in many constituencies. But with elections just about one year away, time may not be on Comrade's side for Comrade's much promised renewal of his party.
Mitchell returning to take control of his party (as back room king) poses even greater problems for Comrade. Mitchell proved in the last few weeks of the referendum/2011 election campaign, that, not only can he still energise the NDP core but he can still convince large numbers of disenchanted Labour supporters to stay at home. He can boast that he asked the people to "trust me" and just that they did.
The NDP needed only 34% to win yesterday's referendum. They secured a whopping 57% and won in 13 of the 15 constituencies. As I see it: this speaks volumes.
Comrade must now put the Labour back into the Unity Labour Party or face another sound defeat in 2011.
The ULP should start listening to all Vincentians. Some may recall my comment of June 21, 2009 titled "Constitutional Referendum or Referendum on De Comrade".
Who have eyes to see, let them see.
T Wade Kojo Williams, Sr
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
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