Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Green Legacy of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

“All the beauties which Nature has lavished on the equinoctial regions are here displayed in their fairest and most majestic forms." Rev. Lansdown Guilding, 1825

The Green Legacy of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines includes the reprinting of two historical documents. The first document is An Account of the St. Vincent Botanic Garden written by the Anglican priest, Reverend Lansdown Guilding, and originally published in 1825. The second is The King’s Hill Enclosure Ordinance of 1791 which was enacted to preserve the Hill for “the benefit of the neighbourhood”. These are set against a backdrop of approximately two hundred photographs.

This is a special fundraiser edition. The net proceeds from this book will be donated to the St. Vincent and the Grenadines National Trust

The Green Legacy of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
A Pictorial Tribute to the oldest Botanic Garden in the Western Hemisphere and one of the world's first pieces of Environmental Legislation
Edited by Inga Rhonda King