Saturday, October 06, 2012

New Book: Christianity and Black Oppression

        KINGS-SVG Publishers, St. Vincent and the 
Grenadines, is pleased to announce the
publication of 
“Christianity and Black Oppression:
Duppy Know Who Fe Frighten".
The new book is authored by Zay D. Green 
and edited by Baldwin King 
and Cheryl Phills King.

 Christianity and Black Oppression:
Duppy Know Who Fe Frighten asks:
How is it that blacks have been 
Christianized for more than four hundred years and yet 
blacks are stereotyped as morally
and mentally inferior? At the 
very first encounter between 
Europeans and Africans, Africans were perceived as “pagan”, “heathen”, 
and “devil worshippers”. 
The tool that was to transform Africans,
it was postulated, would be the 
Christian religion. In spite of over 
four centuries of Christianity, the 
perception of blacks as morally and mentally inferior has not changed much. Blacks, 
it would appear, carry a stigma that is genetic and therefore can be transmitted.  
Christianity and Black Oppression: Duppy Know Who Fe Frighten 
also addresses the issue as to why there has not been a radical change in the perception of blacks in spite of centuries of blacks’ investment of an inordinate amount of time, energy and money in the Christian religion. 
Green argues that Blacks were forced to surrender their African world view and adopt a European Christian world view.  Black history and culture are marginalized, and at times demonized, within Christianity, and this is transferred to other areas of the lives of blacks. In light of the fact that Christianity is considered to be an egalitarian religion, with a God who is benevolent and who intervenes in peoples’ lives, and considering the reality of black oppression, the question then arises as to whether blacks are subjected to “divine racism”
Zay D. Green is a Jamaican-American who is currently a High School Mathematics teacher in New York. She was also a librarian for many years. After attending Wolmer’s High School for Girls in Kingston, Jamaica where she grew up, Ms Green pursued a Bachelor’s Degree and a Diploma in Education at the University of the West Indies, Mona,Jamaica. She taught at a number of high schools in Jamaica including Dunrobin, Calabar, and Cornwall College. Ms. Green also holds the M.A. in Psychology from Long Island University,New York and the M.L.S. degree from Rutgers University, New Jersey.  
The retail price of the book (paperback, 306 pages, ISBN: 978-1479191451) is US$26.95 plus shipping and handling (US$4.50 in the USA, US$5.50 to Canada and US$10 to the Caribbean and the UK by airmail). To order, please send name, address and payment (check or money order payable to Baldwin King) to Baldwin King, P.O. Box 702,Madison, NJ 07940, USA. You may also order through our website: where it is
now possible to pay by credit card. (Click on Bookstore).
Book will be mailed to you promptly on receipt of your payment.
The book is also available at and
there is also a kindle version at this site.
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